. ₱2,243.00

Tiens Chitosan is made in accordance with the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and it is intended primarily to support the proper functioning of the immune system.


Tiens Chitosan is produced from the shells of red crab legs. It is characterized by a very high - 85% degree of chitin deacetylation. The higher the deacetylation degree of this organic compound, the stronger the biochemical activity of the obtained chitosan. Hence, the formula is remarkably effective.

Chitosan present in the preparation is not digested nor absorbed by the human body. After entering the stomach, it significantly increases its volume in the presence of water, and effectively stops hunger. Additionally, chitin fibers wrap themselves around fat molecules, which renders them undigestible for the digestive enzymes. One chitosan molecule binds few times more fat compared to its own weight, and the bound fat is later excreted from the body. At the same time, the substance does not limit the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E, which has been confirmed by scientific research.

These Chitosan capsules are treated to become more edible than natural Chitin. Each capsule contains 85% Chitin, which has a structure similar to cellulose. It binds itself to fat in the digestive tract, it’s able to absorb fat and sugar and contains special food fabrics carrying negative ions, which can be attached with the chlorine in excessive salt. It is multi-functional.

Chitosan cleanses the digestive system and the entire body from heavy metals such as lead or mercury as well as from toxins through their binding and excretion in the faeces.


The effective ingredient of Tiens Chitosan capsule is chitosan and every capsule contains no less than 144mg of deacetylation. It an anti ageing product that acts at the cellular level of the human body, repairing and reinvigorating the system by: 

  • Chitosan inhibits toxins produced by cancer cells;
  • Chitosan vitalises the activities of lymphocytes NK and LAK that kill cancer cells. Lymphocytes function better at a pH 7.4 and Chitosan has the ability to adjust pH of its environment by approximately 0.5 which creates an unsuitable condition for cancer cells to thrive;
  • Chitosan inhibits the transfer of cancer cells by binding the causal agents on the endothelial surface and thus prevent metastasis of cancer cells;
  • Chitosan is also a super detoxifier.


  • It helps kill harmful bacteria or parasites in the body;
  • It helps improve the accumulation and ability of ‘good’ bacteria to counter ‘bad’ bacteria in organs;
  • It Relieves constipation by helping to produce bulky soft bowel movements;
  • It is helpful in balancing the levels of fat and cholesterol in the body;
  • It helps reduce the damaging effects of radiation in the cells and tissues;
  • It helps lower blood sugar levels and is useful for treating and preventing diabetes mellitus;
  • It helps flush out metallic poison and pollutants in the body. It’s a powerful cleanser;
  • It prevents metastasis (doesn’t allow cancer cells to be transferred to other cells);
  • It combats high blood pressure naturally;
  • It prevents prostate gland infection/prostate cancer;
  • It promotes fast healing of wounds, burns and scars;
  • It helps prevent and treat arthritis, back pain and lumbago,
  • It facilitates weight control.  In this sense, It is the best product to combat obesity..

Who Chitosan Capsules is suitable for?

  • Adults consuming high-fat meals;
  • Adults wanting to speed up the elimination of undigested fats from their body;
  • Adults who are wanting to lose weight;
  • Adults wanting to improve cardiovascular health.


  • This product IS NOT suitable for children!


  • 2 capsules 2 times daily.
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